
Hello Everyone!!

Firstly let's get the excuse of being "too old" to get in shape out of the way.
For me my birthday is just a date on a calender as i have competed for over a decade against competitors half my age. How you might ask? By having the knowledge of how the body functions and just as importantly how to get the most out of your workouts, i will pass on my wisdom & tips to you my fellow bloggers and followers.

The "Key"(s) to exercise is having a variety. First not allowing the task to become boring and/or cumbersome as you must keep the brain guessing thus eliminating the plateau effect. Also when changes are not immediate one tends to become frustrated and feels like quitting, so we are going to change this with the blog to keep the routines far from boring and productive.

Secondly i will pass on knowledge regarding nutrition and water which is critical. You can work out all you want but remember what you do during exercise is tearing down the muscle and if you don't repair and hydrate you are just wasting your time, this aspect is probably 60%+ of the equation to a healthy body

Within the continuation of this blog, I will show you how to improve your health, change your shape and improve your game.... from the serious athlete to the weekend warrior. There will be video's of weight bearing exercises per body part and routines that everyone can fit in to their schedule and lifestyle no matter how hectic it is.

And remember, there is no point in having an empire if you are not around to enjoy it. Your body is a temple!

Yours in Fitness,

Terry Keys


"Terry's knowledge of nutrition, proper training techniques and insight into how to maximize our player's energy and strength is second to none........ it has proven invaluable in our team's success."
-Trevor Stienburg, Head Coach
SMU Hockey Huskies
2010 CIS National Champions

"Few athletes have the dedication, let alone the physical ability to stay at the top of their sport the way Terry Keys has."
-Jim Reyno
Halifax Daily News Reporter

"Very few athletes have the ability or knowledge to truly help people in reaching their lifestyle goals. With his proven accomplishments in body sculpting, Terry is able to grasp and provide methods that work........ He is a walking testimonial of his success and abilities in living a healthy and happy lifestyle."
-Richard Glover
Director HBS & ProLab Canada


I, Terry Keys along with the my charities ( Childrens Wish, QE11 Foundation and Maggies Place) also with The Tower, make no claim as to the accuracy of any of the information provided in the blog. If you have any questions regarding your health, nutrition or well should visit a certified physican.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Need to Lose Some Weight?........Maybe You Need More Sleep

 We have the training going well, eating right for the body type and getting our water intake correct but still are stuck with some unwanted pounds......maybe lack of sleep is the reason. So read this list and see why you should be getting more sack time and reap the benefits  A) Sleep regulates the amount of leptin and ghrelin in your body which these hormones control your appetite and satiety, thus with the extra rest your more able to avoid the cravings for sugar and high-fat foods.   B) Sleep releases human growth hormone (HGH) which promotes fat breakdown and increases muscle mass so for sure a win/win. C)  No Sleep leads us to stress more easily which makes the body hold water and maybe make some "bad" food choices as we look for comfort lol.   So as you can see, sleep plays an important role in leading us to a more healthier lifestyle.......your choice when or if you decide to burn the midnight oil.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Want to Build Muscle?.........You Also Need Carbs!!!!

We all know that protein promotes the growth of muscle but let us not forget about our friends from the carbohydrate family in our quest to build and maintain our hard earned fit bodies.  So first yes protein ( to calculate per day intake; weight in pounds divided by 2.2 = weight in kg.  Weight in kg x 0.8-1.8 gm/kg = protein.  So for example a 150lb male who is a regular exerciser; 150lbs/2.2 =68kg    68kg x 1.5 =102 gm protein/perday)   is needed as it supplies the muscles with amino acids (the building blocks of protein) to repair and build, so one would think more protein/more muscle.....ah no!!! Why?  it is because the rate it can be synthesized into muscle is generally every 2-3 hours ( hence the 4-5 small meals per day that i preach) Also all that extra protein might be burned for energy or if your diet is calorie sufficient stored as fat and finally it is a waste of money as protein foods/products are expensive to buy ( not to mention all those extra trips to the bathroom as the body rids itself of all that protein lol). This where we jump on the carb train people, it should be the first nutrient to focus on since your muscles need to be fueled for them to work, that then stimulates them to get bigger. Good sources of carbs include whole grain bread, steel oats, pasta, sweet potatoes, brown rice etc so with this in mind for your pre workout meal  try and have a carbohydrate rich snack that also would have about 10g of protein included ( for example 3 egg whites, or 3/4 cup plain Greek yogurt, maybe 6oz of chicken) to enhance the muscle repair after your training session and for your post workout;  have around 20g of protein and add carbohydrates ( I use I scoop of whey powder, pineapple juice and frozen fruit)  So again our buddie Mr Carbo to help us, as it  triggers an increase of insulin that stimulates the uptake of the amino acids into the muscle cells and again the repair and growth.  So as everything in life there is a game plan, and with exercise......carbohydrates need to be apart of "your team"

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Protein Bars.......unlocking the facts.

Ok as you know by being I regular reader of my blogs (lets hope so???? if not.....were have you been lol)  I am all about consuming a natural (made from
scratch) type of nutrition plan. But we all have hectic lifestyles and sometimes you do need to have a snack on the run, so if you opt out for the protein bar don't be fooled by the marketing machine, beware and look for these no no's at your favorite store.  A) As stated in a previous post, avoid any bar with High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) for you to avoid spikes in your insulin and also because it triggers lipogenesis which creates unhealthy fats.  B)  Soy Protein is also an avoid because of the chemical process used to isolate the protein from the soybean which leaves behind toxic substances like aluminum, hexane and nitrites.  C) Palm Kernel Oil. sounds nasty and it is; first it is very high in saturated fat, plus the processing for extracting the oil (from the kernel) is from extreme heat and with the use of chemical solvents, enough said.  D) Artificial Sweeteners; it contains no nutritional value and the excess sugars convert to fat plus create more cravings, ouch!  E)  Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHT);  this is a man-made chemical preservative for shelf life and in all my years within the fitness circles anything that is not real, the body does not like or can what is the point?  F)  Natural Flavorings; is a very sexy term that is meaningless because it is not regulated, so this only sounds good for hype and packaging.  So now you have you the facts you ask yourself what to do?  For me, if I need something to hold me over till the next meal I have a piece of cheese, handful of nuts or maybe some plain Greek yogurt (add some raisins or other fruit) so in closing; control what goes into your body and it will reward you for all your hard work when you exercise.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Stress Management through Nutrition

Stress is a word we all know and handle in our own way which can come from the work place, relationships, family issues etc....... personally I do not allow anything to bother me as I see the world as "glass half full".  But since we are all "wired" differently dealing with this 6 letter word is part of the process to seeing results from your training and in turn a healthy lifestyle, so first the ugly side  Your body can have a weight gain, digestive problems, fatigue, poor memory, moodiness, headaches, muscle pain and  also too much stress increases the risk of heart disease and diabetes. How you ask?.....what happens is your body responds to stress by prompting the adrenal glands to release cortisol and adrenaline which then increases your heart rate, blood pressure and uses glucose that is for your brain and muscles. Even worse, a constant stress level will speed up the use of all your body's carbohydrates, protein, fats and many vitamins/ you can see to "fight" this condition we need to eat smart with the following food plan  A)  Always have a morning meal to replenish your body after a night of fasting to restore the glucose (energy) levels      B) Eat 4-5 small meals a day to keep your blood sugar steady and have a constant fuel source to reduce mood swings and low energy   C) Having carbohydrates with each meal will keep the serotonin levels in your brain up which combats the stress which reduces this chemical.  D) Include these two important Vitamins through foods or a supplement; Vitamin B ( the body uses it to mobilize fuel and to help make serotonin) and Vitamin C (to stop the rise in cortisol during stress)  E)  Finally limit the Caffeine and Alcohol per day as these two fluids boost cortisol and again reduces your mental focus.   In closing, we are always going to have some form of stress in our lives as indeed "life does get in the way" but how we handle it and also through proper nutrition we will increase our odds to a longer, healthier life.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Another Man-Made Red Flag.......Trans Fats

We put in countless hours of training at our favorite workout center, then we go home and ruin all the sweat equity by not controlling the kitchen; one way is to eat foods that contains Trans Fats.  First some history on this not so nice nine letters; Trans Fats are created artificially (there are some naturally low levels of trans fats found in dairy products, beef and lamb but tests show no evidence of harm) and is an industry produced partial hydrogenation which is a chemical process that
renders liquid vegetable oils as a semi-solid and more heat stable.   Why they do this? makes foods last longer on store shelves and adds texture/taste. Good for them (lol) but as per usual it comes at a cost to our health; it raises LDL cholesterol, lowers the good HDL cholesterol, increases your heart disease, type 2 diabetes and what the heck lets throw in some contributors to numerous chronic diseases. Trans Fats are found in Breaded Fish and Chicken, Bread Sticks, Cake, Cake Mix, Cookies, Coffee Whiteners and Creamers, Croissants, Instant Noodles, Margarine,  Microwave Popcorn, Muffins, French Fries, Fried Foods, Frozen Pizza, Frozen Entrees, Onion Rings, Pancake Mix, Pastries, Pie, Pudding, Ready to use Frosting and so on. I am not saying to avoid all these foods forever, if you want to go to the "darkside" once a week it will not hurt you, as I have always meal does not make the person!  But if you continue to indulge in any of these foods daily, what's the point of exercising if your not being more diligent in the kitchen. To close out this blog, read the labels for Trans Fats added, or just as easy maybe eat mainly home cooked meals made with whole unprocessed foods. Wow there is an interesting concept, making our own meals and again you control what goes into your body to help repair it after your workouts!

Saturday, October 26, 2013

The Dangers of Gluttony

Gluttony comes form the Latin word Gluttire; to gulp down, swallow and the over-consumption of food or drink.  For us it is a good topic as we enter the so called holiday season in North America, but really a subject for all times as remember how hard you worked to get in shape or to stay fit.  I know, I know.....I have been good all year with my nutrition and exercise so I deserve to binge. Well besides the obvious facts, it can have a permanent effect on your body's composition as tests reveal that it raises your LDL cholesterol levels ( up to a year, just by overeating a few times) and of course with it comes the weight gain. Overeating also can make you stressed and depressed as it elevates the levels of your stress hormone ( corticosterone) and of course it goes without saying how you feel when you look in the mirror at your expanded waistline. Also consuming all those fatty, salty and sugary foods alter your brain's chemistry ( much the same way as some drugs like cocaine or heroin would) so it triggers the production of dopamine the so called "feel good" drug and with that the food keeps coming! Want some more good news; desserts rich in fructose ( remember my last blog people) such as apple pie and donuts keep the binge going as the F-Word ( fructose) increases the blood flow to the brains hypothalamus which signals to you that your still hungry. Finally over-indulgence changes your body clock which will create those late night cravings and again more trips to the fridge. There you have all the above reasons not to binge, as it will sabotage those goals of losing pounds but more importantly for you to keep a healthier lifestyle. So not a lot of love in the air right now (lol), but stick to the 4-6 small meals per day plan and enjoy life to the (excuse the pun) fullest!

Friday, October 4, 2013

The Key(s) to Losing Weight

It is an endless battle for most of us to shed some excess weight and as many of us know that losing is a simple less/exercise more!  Well I am here to tell you its WHEN you eat your calories that is the key, so to avoid Type 2 Diabetes, Heart Disease and Obesity you need to eat big in the morning and consume less as the day moves on.  For example if you have 1400 Calories per day ( typical amount for the average person) then breakfast should be 700 C, lunch is 500C and dinner is 200C.  Why you ask?....well the meal timing is thought to effect the body's circadian rhythm which is linked to the metabolism and insulin activity, so eating large at night may disrupt the circadian "clock" and lead to being overweight and all those health issues associated with obesity. Also say the facts, the body burns more calories in the morning to digest, absorb and process the meal than later as the clock moves on during the we have the facts here are some tips to help make the transition easier.  1) Having solid protein (egg whites, cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, low fat milk, turkey breast etc.) in the morning will make you feel fuller for all the AM hours  2) Having carbohydrate foods such as whole grains/steel cut oats or fruit ( grapes, apples, pears, any citrus variety) fuels your brain and muscles also because it doesn't digest so quickly it will not produce an outpouring of insulin. That being said, stay away from the high glycemic (GI) foods like white bread, refined cereals, pastries etc. because they spike your blood sugar and insulin levels which can trigger hunger and inhibit the breakdown of body fat  3)  Have 5 to 10 grams of fibre which is part of your morning meal ( maybe 100% whole grain breads, cereals w/ fibre, whole fruit instead of its juice) Why?  It slows down digestion and makes you feel fuller due to the fact it attaches itself to water. 4) To cut your cravings for sugar ( see my last posted blog on this subject) have a small treat in the morning ( square of dark chocolate, piece of candy or a cookie) The reason? prevents spikes during the day of your serotonin levels which is your "feel good" chemical in your brain  5) Finally to keep your last meal of the day small, have 4-6 ounces of lean protein of your choice and add/fill up with only vegetables and no starchy carbs.                   Bon Appetit!